Monday, July 14, 2008

Intelligent news: Cross Road for Senior General

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Regime close associates predicted that if regime’s referendum would fail, there would be major changes within SPDC. Regional commanders have been instructed not to order any regiments leaving from their previous location without knowledge from Defense Ministry in Naypyidaw, sources said.

Vice-senior general Maung Aye’s recent visit to India was translated that Maung Aye cared about military’s future while senior general’s allies have been busy with referendum. Sources said he was assured by Indian military top brasses to provide advance military hardware as well as technology to the Burma army.

Indian government was pleased that government oil industry could sign three major contracts through Sliver Waves company which registered in Singapore that they almost lose to Chinese.

Another source said that Than Shwe and Maung Aye are likely to retire and new generation will take over after 2010. But hardliners floated that senior general should be a next president of Burma after 2010 election but group closes to Maung Aye were reluctant to accept it.

Approving a new constitution is extremely important for senior general’s future than any others, sources stressed. If senior general fails to secure Yes Vote, he might follow late senior general Saw Maung whom he terminated.

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